A Note To Horror Movie Producers......

A Note To Horror Movie Producers......

An Open Letter To Horror Movie Producers

To Whom It May Concern,

  Thank You so much for all the great things you all do to make us jump and leave a light on at night while we sleep. However for the love Bella Lugosi's ghost and Bud's decaying body, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop with the "making movies counting on a sequel" nonsense. One of the major complaints I hear about horror movies today is "good movie but the ending kinda sucked though". Let that sink in you had the audience right where you wanted them only to let them slip away in the final act. Don't misinterpret this as me hating on squeals there are plenty of movie series that the second or third movie is way better than the original. But let the quality of your craft dictate what gets remade. I do understand the draw of playing for a sequel has but in doing so you short change yourself and us. This especially true of inde movies we do understand the hardships you have went though to see your vision come to life. But letting the production team take the cheap and easy way out won't help anyone. For me as I'm watching a movie that starts to play for squeal I start to feel cheated by the movie I'm watching. And it is true that horror fans will watch any horror movie that is made but don't take our love for a gerne for weakness. There are plenty of movies that beg for more of the story to be told and those will rise up above the ones that are playing they're audience for a fool. I believe it also lets your writer's and director's an easy out, your job is to challenge them not just let them go through the motions in hopes of getting an easy paycheck in the II version. We as an audience especially in horror are probably the smartest of movie goer's. Don't sacrifice what you have worked so hard to get made by hoping that you can make another, if it's good you will. Again Thank You making our nightmares real, but don't turn our nightmares into movie nightmares.

Yours Truly,
Your Audience


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