M3GAN (2023)

M3GAN went viral MONTHS before her film was even released, thanks to a widely imitated dance sequence curated for TikTok fame and her instant emergence as the next possible face of horror paved the way for record breaking box office success! As soon as the first trailer dropped, it was already clear that M3GAN was destined to become an internet sensation, quickly spawning dozens of tweets, memes and completely dominating TikTok… With a shocking Rotten Tomatoes score of 93%, M3GAN already has a higher RT score than pretty much any best picture contender for the Oscars 2023! What is going on?!

Originally shot as a rated R, but that was until the producers noticed that while editing it was already close enough to PG-13, realising that they had made a mistake and wanting to appeal to teenagers and a more mainstream audience, they then re-shot certain scenes to tone down the violence. With piercing blue eyes and a syrupy sweet voice, M3GAN is a new iconic villain for a whole new generation! This child like character is brought to life in a star-making physical performance from twelve year old actress Amie Donald. The New Zealand dancer and stunt performer captures a perfect blend of robotic movement with just enough humanity to make us ALMOST forget that M3GAN isn’t a real child… The iconic dance sequence that set the internet on fire is just the tip of the iceberg, and the monster that emerges when M3GAN’s gloves finally come off is every parent’s nightmare fuel! Jenna Davis provides M3GAN’s voice with a cheerily disconnected tone that always seems to be hiding a hint of menace… The entire film rests on the shoulders of these two very young women and they combine their talents to deliver a knockout performance likely to become the new face of horror! The design of M3GAN herself is also pretty solid too! The combination of a human performer with an animatronic/CGI head makes for a particularly creepy looking character… This kind of subtle but seamless VFX work really is impressive, and the fact that I had to research how it was done is a real testament to the quality! The voice work is excellent as well, complete with small robotic inflections that remind you she is not a real girl…

Hiding within this fun horror comedy is a serious exploration of the emotional ties that bind us together… Commenting on humanity’s ever growing reliance on technology, M3GAN feels especially timely after 2 years of Covid isolation in which we were all forced to redefine how we interact with the world. The film’s ultimate message is that parenting is hard! We are bound to mess it up, but the most important thing we can do is show up for our kids, flaws and all. In fact it’s the messiness that makes us human! Overall, M3GAN isn’t a complete game changer for the killer doll sub-genre, but it certainly is when it comes to January horror releases! M3GAN is a fun, campy slasher that smartly leans into it’s own silliness to maximise on entertainment value. I think it’s fair to say that this M3GAN Party has only just started… 2023 is off to a promising start!

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