The Sacrament (2013) Review

The Sacrament (2013) Review

The Sacrament: Ti West's coming of age as a director.

8 out of 10 stars

The latest from Ti West is not your father's horror movie or maybe it is. Instead of his trademark slow burn leading up to a shock and awe moment we are treated to a movie that slow burns to a rolling boil and stays there much like Hitchcock use to do. If you're under 35 you may not realize this is based on the Jonestown massacre in 1978 where 900 people committed "revolutionary suicide" at their compound in Guyana. I truly believe that this will be considered his "coming of age movie", as he lets the story unwind in front of you without the usual horror movie hooks. There has been a lot of things said about Ti being the next great horror maker with this movie he cements his place with the likes of Carpenter, Craven, and the lot. What he gets so right in this film is he keeps leaving just enough creepy hints along the way to make you pay attention waiting for the one hint that would lead to the monster. Until you realize the monster here isn't a demon or devil just a man with the gift of gab playing on people's emotional weaknesses and men's willingness to believe. The acting, story, and soundtrack all mesh to perfection making this a definitely must watch and adds to Ti's credential as a top filmmaker

****May Contain Spoilers****

The film is framed as a VICE documentary of the religious group living at "Eden Parish" The Vice crew(AJ Bowen,Kentucker Audley) accompanied by their friend(Joe Swanberg) looking for his sister(played by Amy Seimetz) lead by "The Father" played to perfection by Gene Jones. Almost immediately after arriving they start sensing that something isn't quite right but everything is easily explained away when they question the residents. The residents tell their stories on how they were lost until they found The Father and had sold everything for a chance at eutopia. While things appear perfect on the surface though the interviews we are supplied with hints that things may not be what it seems. Including child abuse, drug use, and adultery. During an interview at a party thrown in their honor The Father does what every subject of controversy does he ducks and changes the question to suit his needs. It is after the interview that we see how charismatic the leader is as the VICE interviewer Sam says he can't believe he let him get away with hijacking the interview. Feeling like something is terribly wrong they lie awake most of the night waiting to leave we are also privy to that not all is well and a group of people want to leave. The film makers split up with one going to find how many they can take on the helicopter and two staying behind trying to keep things calm. They are quickly taken hostage, when the cameraman makes it to the chopper shots ring out and the pilot is hit he escapes to the jungle being pursued by guards of the parish. After a short chase he loses his pursuers and makes his way back to Eden. For the next 15 minutes of so we are treated to the drink the kool-aid scene. We find one of them in the home of The Father handcuffed to a chair as The Father tries to justify the things he has done while sniffing cocaine he then removes gun and in a nice twist commits suicide instead of ending the movie. We also find out that Jake's sister had led him to the compound in hopes of getting him to stay with the group and get a much needed influx of money, they find him after his sister has killed him and is pouring gas on herself before going up in flames. As the two are trying to get back to the helicopter they are spotted by a guard that is walking around finish people off and just as he see's them and we think they are going to be shot a shot rings out from another guard killing him, he then yells at them to leave and make sure their story is told and he's going to "burn it all down". With a final scene of us flying over Eden is very reminiscent of the footage of Jonestown. 

The Good
The acting especially Gene Jones who nails the cult leader by channeling Jim Jones

As much as some want to say it, this is not a found footage film it's a mockumentary,they set out to make a documentary and thats what they did.

Using the premise that it's a VICE production so the shaky cam can be held to a minimum.

The soundtrack gives all the right build ups and clues without going over the top.

Explaining the fine line between news reporter and news maker

The Bad

The back story on some of the main characters were sketchy or non existent. (the mother and daughter to name a couple)

 I think Sam played by AJ Bowen lost a lot of credibility by not leaving with Audley's Patrick when he had a chance as one of the secondary stories was his child's birth within a month. So instead of leaving and sending back help he wants to save the world which I found unrealistic for the character.

Ti West creates a very good suspenseful movie that doesn't involve supernatural beings and special effect hooks


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